Friday, December 2, 2016

Understanding Love In Binary Code

Personally, Love and Relationships  aside from the topic of the past couple of weeks is very gray and hard to understand however adding technology just complicates things even more. We have been experiencing and learning about technology in many different forms and I believe this week we are looking at A.I. and technology in the aspects of love interests. In the book, The Most Human Human, Christian expresses and goes into some of the instances of Computer Love (000101111011010) and how it can not satisfy the human taste.  Yet in the films Her and Be Right Back we see the experience of translating the biochemical human formula of love to Binary Code for the A.I. to translate and understand. Personally I can't say a yes or no to loving machine in such an intimate way but to each their own, but not for me lol.

Christian talks about the creator, Dr. Epstein, of the Turning Test being fooled by a spam love fake bot on the internet because he was coincidentally looking for love. The Prize winner was tricked over some months by a Russian Love bot by the name is Ivana. She talked about herself and where she was from as well as things she was programmed to like. It took him 4 to 5 months to realize that the wasn't talking to another human being but a bot that will only love him in 0s and 1s and not in the way he had imagined. It is rather heart breaking in knowing and experiencing such and we saw in Her the author Theodore experience heartbreak of a kind like that.

The film, Her, is one of my favorite films of all time. It also ranks with A.I. in top technology movies. It is a story of a man by the name Theodore that wrote letters and cards. The cards and letters were written beautifully and touched many lives and brought many people together. In retrospect, in his own marriage it was falling to shambles... or really dead really. He soon gained an OS system that began to help him with his everyday life but this OS was a new OS that learns and grows.... so A.I. without the bodies.Through time Theodore and Scarlet Johansson (the voice of the OS) started to fall for each other and grown in feelings however Theodore wasn't emotionally ready and the OS was honestly processing the concept of love faster than we do which they can show that love is the selflessness and  not the selfishness. The OS loved them enough to let the humans go and expand further out in the metaphysical. I do believe after the OS left, I believe it was a form of a wake up call for humanity in that age to come to appreciate as well as understand that love (that emotion) transitions just the selfish concept that we have.

Christian spoke of the Turning Test as a form of speed dating. In the Chapter talking about Authenticity; Christian brings up the point of Intimacy and did an experiment on speed dating. Speed dating is another form of the Turning test, Christian said, done in a job interview like manner. The results of the first run of speed dating were bland and even if you came across someone you couldn't get past the job interview like questions. They ran the speed dating experiment again however prohibiting questions that talks about what you do and gets more into who you are. That is essential in being human. In cutting all the fluff in the conversation and getting to actually describe yourself in your own manner. In the film Be Right Back, there is a struggle in knowing and accepting what may be real genuine intimacy or a mimic of your own wants.

Be Right Back was a true thought provoker when it comes to coping with our emotions and how they are reflection on the machine that humanity chooses to love. Martha and Ash, a young couple, were going about regular relationship life and one night Ash leaves out for a couple of hours and the cops return in place. Martha is devastated to find out that Ash passed away. Shortly after she found out that she was pregnant and the father is gone. Her friend signs her up for some help with some experimental technological advances in coping with loss. Its a software program that downloads all of a persons internet foot print and upload it and create a program that communicates with you like the person never left/died.She wasn't open to it at first because it was too early to make such drastic changes that fast and the emotional hurt was still fresh. After she opened up she also tried the life size packet that came with a body that the software can upload itself to and function outside the metaphysical. The program was not an A.I because of how it was just reflective  and programmed with responses and gestures but Martha continued to have problems accepting that the Ash she knew and loved was gone and this shell of Ash is not him especially the little things he showed her.

This ending week of Technology, A.I., and Humanity has been a mind opening experience and really called for some critical thought on topics we found unclear ourselves. Do you think one of your love languages is Binary code or you know organic is the way for you? We shall see!


  1. Derrick,

    I do not think I can have a robot love. I am just not into that type of stuff but like you said, " to each their own." Do you think dating a robot will ever be a thing? Or will it always be a bit taboo?

  2. You pose a very interesting question. When you think about the brain, you see that the feelings of love is much more just a chemical reaction coded and formulated in such a way that we get a feeling that we call love.I feel that in order to answer your question we must think about what is love because we all have different interpretations of love and different ways that we like to be shown love. I feel that if robots were capable of displaying affection people's sense of uniqueness would be shattered. Love and expressions of love, I think, are meant to be apart of the human experiences. When machines are able to easily replicate that, it makes the experience less fulfilling.

  3. I think that you raise an interesting point about how love for AI's would be a binary code, but that Tanquesha raises a good point as well about how for us, we feel things in a way that AI's can't replicate. For us, our bodies respond to certain interactions by releasing certain chemicals throughout our bodies and we learn to use these to interpret and associate our emotions. The way that I see it, because AI's lack human bodies, that this is something which inhibits them from truly experiencing real and raw emotions, like love. It's because of this, that I believe I wouldn't ever look at AI's as a prospective partner. That even though I want to think that there could come a day when AI's could evolve into intelligent beings that may develop an understanding of human feelings, that it still wouldn't be enough to make me think they could have relationships with humans.


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