Monday, December 4, 2017

Evolution and Avatar

          One scientific fact that permeates throughout the natural universe is the idea of evolution. The idea that a being can transform overtime due to external stimuli outside of its control. The idea, formally proposed by Charles Darwin, can be seen from different species of animals, plants, and even humans have evolved. Now one thing that separates us from other animals is our ability to have rational thought, and this rational thought can also evolve throughout time. The way humans think about things as well as what they think has evolved as well since the beginning of human history. For example, for the most part people nowadays do not think, "Okay, what area should we move to next to be able to survive?" Now people think about okay what shall we eat today, or what route should I take to work. Now I know this is not for everyone just because some people to this day live on a day-to-day basis. But you can agree how the mindset has changed. I for one think it is a marvel how a species or individual can change and adapt to their surroundings.
          One example of how someone can change can be seen in the movie Avatar. In this movie, humans have learned how to transmit their consciousness into a lifeless alien body. They do this so the natives will be more welcoming, as well as the fact that the alien bodies are more hardy and perform better in that environment. When Jake first meets the Na'vi they already know that he is a human mind in a Na'vi body, so they know he is not one of them. But over time, he learns their ways and by the end of the movie he becomes one of the tribe. He evolves from being an outsider and not accepted, to becoming one of the most influential voices in the tribe. He overcame a prejudice and a label, and surpassed it.
          In "The Most Human Human," by Brian Christian, one thing that is spoken about throughout the book is the Turing Test, and different programs that take part in it. When the test was first proposed, technology was not advanced to fully take part in it until the chat bot ELIZA came about. She had some profound effects, and she even convinced some people she was a human.
Now chat bots nowadays have evolved and become smarter as well as A.Is in general. It is my belief that there will come a day where the Turing Test will become obsolete, because these A.Is will continue evolving until the line is blurred between computer consciousness and human consciousness. That is what makes the movie Her so believable. The A.I. evolved from just an operating system to a companion and even a "lover." So yes, I do believe there will come a day where a more effective test than the Turing Test will have to be developed, because like us, computers can evolve as well.


  1. I really like the fact that you brought up evolution as a comparison. Evolution can be used in many different senses, just like you pointed out in your first paragraph. We went from moving from place to place to survive, to worrying about traffic and what we're going to eat for dinner later. I agree with your last paragraph too, that one day the Turing Test will no longer be needed in the aspect of distinguishing between Human and Computer. However, I think it will be used to determine the BEST AIs instead, compare AI to AI to see which ones are the "most human."

  2. The notion that computers can natural evolve was an a fascinating point in I,Robot as well. The idea of the Ghost in the Machine was brought up multiple time. It is the belief that the random unexplained code that is produced by a computer is the beginning formation of consciousness. In a sense this is the robots evolving into sentience. To me the idea of an computer program evolving on its own into a hard A.I. is more terrifying than someone purposefully creating an A.I.because there is no control in the situation and alot more variable in what may result.


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