Saturday, December 16, 2017

The Most Na'vi Avatar

                In this movie, we could compare the Na’vi with computers.  They are not seen as beings that are equal to humans despite their advanced nature.  While the Na’vi do excel past most computers capabilities, it is interesting to think of them in this way because the avatars have to fight for their humanity.  The Na’vi have more sensitivity and reason than most humans.  They are so in tune with their ancestry and their environment that see killing of the animals in the environment as a wrongful thing unless it is more the betterment of the society. In this case, you must kill the animal mercifully and say a prayer over their body.  The Na’vi absolutely contain all three of Aristotle’s souls.  They also have mercy for Jake when Neytiri decides to spare his life because of the signs from the spirit of Eywa.
                The Na’vi have an identity as a people and as individuals.  The only person who sees and knows all is their deity.  They are very humanistic in this sense.  They have their own language and own voices. They each have their own experiences and expressions.  They are individuals and deserve to be treated as such.
                The avatar have to prove their identity and worth to the society.  They come into the Na’vi’s world and attempt to be one of them.  They have to work and be accepted. Due to previous relations between the Na’vi and the avatar, Jake is not trusted until he proves himself and even then some still do not trust him.  He has to create a new identity for himself in his avatar as a Na’vi, in order to be accepted.  He must learn the customs and traditions of the society.  He has to learn to hunt and respect the world and nature as they do. 

                Jake is going through his own Turing test with the Na’vi in order to try to prove that he is one of them. Despite them knowing that he is truly a sky person, they give him a chance to past the test.  

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