Sunday, December 11, 2016

A Matter of Power

Society is always changing; what is "in" today will be "out" tomorrow. The shifts and possibilities are endless. Even though it was not that long ago, it is difficult now to imagine a world without the technological advancements we have now. There is a boundless sea of knowledge flowing on the internet, knowledge that we often take for granted. Often times, we use the internet as a place for leisure instead of using it in a way that can make the world a better place. The film, Internet's Own Boy, revealed a lot about the mindset of people especially people in powerful positions.

Often, when we question AI, the questions are "will they harm us" or "how could we stop them if they become out of control"? Seldom is the question of human nature brought up in the context of AI. Seldom does one ask what will man do to one another or the inventor if AI becomes self-aware. In Transcendence, Will wanted to create a machine that would benefit the world, for instance, reverse the effects of global warming. Because of he's "unnatural", though good intentions, he was killed. In Internet's Own Boy, Aaron wanted to bring knowledge to everyone. He was very much a humanitarian, and he was dedicated to making a positive change for all without any gain. He was very involved in political concerns as well. As he said, "knowledge is power". When you systematically perform actions that prevent others from gaining knowledge, you are disadvantaging them and their generation that follows.  This country puts education on a pedestal and require some educational level for perhaps 95% of jobs yet there are failing and under performing schools in the country. When schools are failing, especially in minority areas, instead of fixing the systemic problems the government shuts the schools down. Despite the fact that the fault of school's performance is usually the blame of the government because those schools are not properly supplied: out dated books, no computers, bad school infrastructure, things that our tax dollars are supposed to be taking care of. How can someone expect people to be success without giving them the tools to do so? 

Aaron, like Will, was seen as a threat because his actions were "unnatural". The government could not figure out why Aaron was doing the things he was doing, but the government felt that Aaron was threatening the status quo. He wanted to improve the world around him without monetary gain. Aaron did not just protest; he inspired others; he challenged laws and was able to even get one bill to be revoked. When people challenge the "power, the status quo", they are persecuted. It has been this way since the era of Christ. Denying the common man rights to knowledge is simply a power struggle. Those who have it wants to keep it. How can we fight an enemy we know nothing about? Just as people are denied access to public court cases. To keep power, the government and corporations must withhold knowledge from the general public. It is easy to rule over an ignorant population or a poor population that's too busy worried about providing for their family that they have no time to worry about what the government is doing. It is a shame that we are inhibited from evolving by a system we created. 


  1. Hey Tanquesha,

    I agree with your post. I believe that corporations rule the government and we are stuck with this system. But how can we escape it? We have the necessary "knowledge" and numbers to make a change. When someone like Aaron attempts to change the system for the better of the people, the government comes in and prevents it. Why are we loyal to an oppressive system? Why do we have to accept it?

  2. I like how you focused on the idea of power in this film because I thought about how Aaron could have taken what he was good at and put himself in a place of power because of his intelligence, but instead he wanted to use what he could for good. And those that exploited their power made an example out of him. It is important for us to recognize that we need to base power off of something other than money because it costs us one of our generational geniuses.

  3. The focus on power, as McKenzie pointed out, is important. Our successes, our money, our KNOWLEDGE, in particular,increases our amount of power. We have the choice to do good or not do good with the knowledge we possess. We must make a choice. I haven't always thought of my own knowledge as a means of helping others until I got into college, but it's empowering to know that I can make a difference with it.


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