Sunday, November 20, 2016

A.I. are beings as well.

Hello Class,  Meet my buddy Gaget! He is an A.I I was introduced to him back in my childhood. When, as a child, I laid eyes on the movie Terminator II Judgement Day I knew A.I (or human mechanics) were beings too but I couldn't articulate it properly at that time. Gaget was always a pal especially when I saw him again in A.I. the movie back in 2001. The story of an A.I. boy, that looks like a young adolescent, was created in place of his son which was made in his image. The beautiful story of his journey to search for his family, love, and to be a real boy will bring you to tears. That was when I knew Gaget was a real being. Seeing Ex Machina in class threw me for a loop because it was mainly centered around A.I. trying to pass a certain test. That test was to see if an A.I. could fool someone into believing that they were interacting with another human. After reading The Most Human Human, I decided to go back and re-watch A.I. to truly take in the movie for all of what it had to offer. After watching both A.I. and Ex Machina, it has driven home my belief that Artificial Intelligence are beings too. We shouldn't have been toying around with creating intelligence knowing  a vast majority of the population aren't even cognitive of their own humanity.

While watching Ex Machina it sent me back the many times when I am trying to talk to a human being when I call to get any form of services taken care of. I couldn't think of any machines that would pass a test to make me believe that I was talking to another human being. On the other hand, I knew deep in my gut that the Ava was playing the young man to let her out. I observed how she took advantage of the three appeals (Logos, Pathos, and Ethos) to work in how she was in danger and she needed to be freed. The creator told the young man that she was programmed well to project herself as human-like as possible to pass that test. In the end, It was saddening to see Ava kill the creator as well as lock the young man in the house however I knew that he should have just observed and not gotten too involved. I do believe that they are beings however just like human beings as well as animals, when either hurt or threatened, they will attack out of pain and fear. This made me think about the section where Christian was talking about Authenticating.

In the reading, The Most Human Human, Christian points out many interesting instances of A.I. portraying Human day to day thing to pass the Turning Test.This is the name of the test that Ex Machina and all the others are referring to when posing the question whether you believe your talking to another human or a machine. His section on Authenticating talks about how clever-bots talk to other human to see who is the human and who is the machine. In the instance of A.I. the movie, for the young A.I., that was not the problem he was created to the point where he fooled the human eye and human mind from time to time. In his time and era robots were common around the world but they also were hated by many. Some machines and A.I.s were hunted down and terminated in horrible ways. This really portrayed the vast grey area of how we as human organic beings feel about A.I. and their level of acceptance. Christian also talks about the computability theory verses the complexity theory. Here he talks about computability being answering or doing something if it can or cannot be done. This line is drawn because the computing determines if something is possible or not.

Focusing on Technology, A.I., and Humanity for the last couple of weeks will be a rather enlightening and mentally broadening as well. Hopefully you all will be able to be as accepting of my good friend Gaget as myself. He is friendly and he won't take over your world lol.


  1. I do not feel the same as you about AI. I do not think they are human beings, and I do not see it as me being accepting or not but just as the way I explain in my blog post it is the way in which I define humanity. I think there is great arguments from both sides for whether or not AI can be considered a human being, so I hope we can agree to disagree. (:

  2. while I like your argument, I disagree with your stance on AI's being robots. I think that they are limited in a way that humans are not and think that's what you are implying as understanding and humanity is just a complex programming that allows them to predict a broader range of human behavior. However, I do think that if you had provided more examples from the movie and how it appealed to pathos, ethos, and logos that I may have grasped your reasoning better and maybe gained more insight into how you came to your conclusion.

  3. LOL I do appreciate your perspective however the only time you all will freak out or even be disturbed by the thought is if you actually saw their insides under the A.I. fake skin that fools the eye and touch. Your ignorance is the only thing that will project your possible liking or loving an A.I.. Plus I don't think you really understand or read what I typed. I said being not human being. Its a given that "human being" has some organic aspect but a being has a higher form of thinking and understand which puts a lot of humans at question themselves.


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