Monday, November 28, 2016

The Human Perspective of A.I.

As the weeks pass by we are taking the time out to learn about Technology, A.I., and Humanity. The Movie Avengers: Age of Ultron created an interesting  perspective on A.I. rising to create destruction. Ultron came to this conclusion because of a few interesting factors; robot operate off one bases that Christian talks about Computibility versus Complexity. He calculated how to help Humanity by seeing that Humanity has always done things against themselves and not work together to actually evolve but destroy. He saw that the only way to help and save humanity is to kill them all, seeing we are such a destructive species.

The Factor of Computability and Complexity is something that Christian talks about in reference to understanding the psyche of humans and the motivations of robots. Computability is the thinking process of robots or probability. Robots will do actions that are only effective through probability which can provide of either a 95% success rate or 75% failure rate. Humans on the other hand, are complex creatures. We see and understand things through a more different light. We look at the impossible and scream possible; we see the everyday tasks of life and call them mundane. Humanity fails to realize the beauty in our complexities and imperfectness. In the movie I, Robot with Will Smith and featuring the A.I. Sonny, Will Smith interacts with this problem and sees conflict in it.

The movie I, Robot is in a setting where A.I. are integrated into human everyday life. People own them and send them to complete errands for them; Others work for their owners and do things like sale food and they are the new Customer Service Reps. Will Smith comes across a higher thinking A.I., Sonny, and believes he killed the Creator of Sonny, but in actuality it was the O.S. portraying it as Sonny.Will Smith and Sonny create a unique bond between man and machine because of his previous encounters and bias about them. Remember that Computablitiy versus Complexity factor; well this is when that comes into play with their relationship dynamics. In a bad car accident Will Smith was trying to save a small child from drowning in a sinking car. A robot saved Will Smith instead of the child because of the probability of saving his life was higher than saving the child. He hated that and even screamed that he should save the child instead. In the human perspective we value a child's innocence and potential to grow and be great more than someone who has aged and made mistakes or dedicates their life to saving the community in his instance.

When thinking about Christian's point on current Customer Service and the transition from Human to Machine. Christian talks about how we interact with humans and get bounced around back and forth and put on hold for long spans of time. With the integration of A.I. like in I, Robot, it was seen that the robots are programmed to answer and actually solve problems people had. Will Smith was amongst very few people who didn't take a liking to the active integrated of A.I. He always preferred the interactions with humans as well as classic apparel. For myself I can say that I really prefer the human interactions myself because in present time the machines aren't as higher thinking and can solve my problems as effectively as the prerecorded machines.

In both films we take a look into the Human perspectives and acceptance of A.I. In the Age of Ultron we saw that A.I. will speed up our own demise and in I, Robot we saw that A.I. will become beings of higher thinking (or processing lol). The Age of Ultron did however take me out of my element in regards to educational movies because of the realm of heroes and villains that play on other topics but seeing it in a new light was interesting. I'm really liking these last weeks of Technology, A.I., and Humanity.

1 comment:

  1. I do find your point about robot computing or doing things based on logic. I feel that although humans may not be able to form the actual mathematical portions as quickly as Sonny, humans do engage in computing that we call practical thinking. When thinking practical about things, one often looks to hard facts such as numbers and probability.Even our life, we must make decisions that Will would not support about who to save when time is of the essence. Perhaps, becoming more practical thinkers will help us to preserve our world a lot better.


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